
序号 宝贝名称 [ dianchacha.com ] 价格 操作
61 电子版图书Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology发邮箱 35.00 详情
62 电子版图书Gene-Environment Transactions in Developmental Psychopathology发邮箱 35.00 详情
63 电子版图书Ethics and Organizational Leadership:Developing a Normative Model发邮箱 35.00 详情
64 电子版图书Early Interaction and Developmental Psychopathology:Volume I:Infancy发邮箱 35.00 详情
65 电子版Introduction to Data Science:Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R发邮箱 35.00 详情
66 电子版图书Child Maltreatment:A Developmental Psychopathology Approach发邮箱 35.00 详情
67 二手电子版Science Communication:An Introduction发邮箱 35.00 详情
68 电子版Implementing Financial Regulation:Theory and Practice发邮箱 35.00 详情
69 电子版图书Principles and Applications of Environmental Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future发邮箱 35.00 详情
70 电子版图书Public Health Nutrition:Rural,Urban,and Global Community-Based Practice发邮箱 35.00 详情
71 电子版图书A Guide to Financing Mechanisms in International Business Transactions发邮箱 35.00 详情
72 二手电子版Corporate Financial Strategy 4th Edition发邮箱 45.00 详情
73 电子版Emerging Perspectives on Organizational Justice and Ethics发邮箱 45.00 详情
74 电子版Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services 22nd 80.00 详情
75 电子版Regulation of the EU Financial Markets MiFID II and MiFIR发邮箱 45.00 详情
76 电子版Practicing Strategy 2nd Edition Text and cases发邮箱 80.00 详情
77 电子版The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers 3rd Edition发邮箱 45.00 详情
78 电子版The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers发邮箱 45.00 详情
79 电子版Wireless Communication Systems in Matlab,Second Edition发邮箱 35.00 详情
80 电子版图书Economics and the Enforcement of European Competition Law发邮箱 35.00 详情
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